I wanted to provide a solid leg workout you can save for later, and keep coming back to in the future. Below is a breakdown of the exercises and how to perform them properly. I put together a YouTube video posted on my channel that breaks the workout down for you visually.
I hope you enjoy this workout!
3 EXERCISES :: 5 ROUNDS (one right into the next exercise, 90sec rest between sets)
20 Russian dead lifts
20 Sumo squats
12ea split squats
Dropset (do as may reps as you can complete w/o breaking form, then drop weight and continue with air squats until failure)
Banded and weighted squats
Banded air squats (my face in the video on these 🤣 in the pain cave)
Russian Deadlifts:
↳keep back flat, slight bend in the knee, feel small stretch in hamstring, slow on the way down, faster on the way up
Sumo Squats:
↳keep pelvis tucked under, toes pointing outward, knees track toward toes, engage the glutes to stand up, slow on the way down, faster on the way up
Split squat:
↳hips/legs/feet placed like standing on a railroad track, imagine when legs are straight, there is a straight, imaginary line from the back foot to top of
Squat finisher:
↳press knees outward against band, sit back on your heals, chest tall
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